144+ Caramel Apple Puns That’ll Make Your Taste Buds Dance with Glee!

Craving a taste of fall? Dive into the alluring world of caramel apples, a treat that’s as sweet as it is playful. From their vibrant hues to their irresistible aroma, these autumnal delights are a sensory feast. And just like the caramel that coats them, these puns will leave you with a sticky-sweet smile.As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisp, let’s embrace the fall spirit with a chuckle. Whether you’re a seasoned punster or a caramel enthusiast, get ready for a wordplay extravaganza that will make your cheeks rosy and your funny bone sing.Each bite of a caramel apple is a juicy explosion of flavor, a perfect balance of tart and sweet. And just like the perfect caramel coating, these puns are designed to complement the moment, making your fall experience even more memorable. So, peel back the layers of this blog and let the caramel-infused humor flow! Buckle up, my friends, and get ready to apple-aud yourself like never before!

Caramel Apples: A Fall-ing Treat

  • 🍎 Can’t resist a caramel apple? They’re a-peel-ing.
  • 🏃‍♀️ Catching a falling caramel apple is no easy feat. It’s a real “catch-all.”
  • 🍏 Green apples and caramel are a match made in Heaven. Sweet as an Eve-ning stroll.
  • 🎪 Caramel apples are a circus of flavors. They’ve got the caramel-corn and the ring-dinger.
  • 💼 Don’t let your caramel apple fall into the wrong hands. Someone might try to steal your “brief-case.”
  • 🎩 A caramel apple is a classy treat. It’s always “well-dressed” for any occasion.
  • 🎬 Caramel apples are a “block-buster” hit at any fall festival.
  • 🏰 A caramel apple is a royal treat. It’s fit for a “candy-castle.”
  • 📚 Caramel apples are a sweet way to learn about history. They’re a real “history-book” treat.
  • 💸 Caramel apples are worth every penny. They’re a “golden-delicious” deal.
  • 🎲 Caramel apples are a gamble. You never know if you’ll get a sweet or a sour one.
  • 🧹 Caramel apples are a perfect treat for a fall cleaning. They’ll help you “sweep” away the autumn blues.
  • 📱 Caramel apples are the “app”le of my eye. I can’t get enough of them.
  • 🎤 Caramel apples are a “hit” at any party. Everyone loves them.
  • 🚨 Caramel apples are a danger to my waistline. I can’t stop eating them.
  • 👻 Caramel apples are the perfect treat for Halloween. They’re “boo-tiful.”
  • 🎨 Caramel apples are a work of art. They’re so beautiful, I almost don’t want to eat them.

Caramel Comfort: The Sweetest Way to End Summer

  1. Q: Why did the caramel cross the road? A: To get to the other s’more.
  2. Q: What do you call a caramel that’s always late? A: Tardy for the party. 🍮
  3. Q: Why couldn’t the caramel find its favorite spoon? A: It was all sugar-coated.
  4. Q: What’s the difference between a caramel and a lawyer? A: One is sweet and sticky, the other is sticky and sweet.
  5. Q: How do you fix a cracked caramel? A: With a caramel plaster.
  6. Q: Why did the caramel get a parking ticket? A: For being too sticky.
  7. Q: What do you call a caramel that’s always singing? A: A choir-amel. 🎤
  8. Q: Why was the caramel so rude? A: Because it was a sugar-coated jerk.
  9. Q: What’s the best way to eat a caramel? A: With your mouth. 🍬
  10. Q: What do you call a caramel that’s always arguing? A: A caramel-contentious.
  11. Q: Why did the caramel get lost in the forest? A: Because it couldn’t see the way out of the woods.
  12. Q: What do you call a caramel that’s always in a good mood? A: A happy-go-caramel.
  13. Q: Why did the caramel wear a hat? A: To keep its caramel from melting. 👒
  14. Q: What do you call a caramel that’s always late? A: Tardy caramel.
  15. Q: Why did the caramel get a job as a postal worker? A: Because it was always delivering sweet messages.
  16. Q: What do you call a caramel that’s always apologizing? A: A sour-caramel.
  17. Q: Why did the caramel get a sunburn? A: Because it was too sweet. ☀️
  18. Q: What do you call a caramel that’s always telling jokes? A: A pun-tastic caramel.
  19. Q: Why did the caramel get a degree in psychology? A: To help other caramels cope with their sticky situations.
  20. Q: What do you call a caramel that’s always on the go? A: A caramel-on-the-run.

Apple-y Ever After: Caramel Apples and Fairytale Endings

  1. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always getting into trouble? A sticky situation!
  2. Why did the caramel apple get a new car? Because it was tired of being a sticky toffee. 🍎
  3. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always running late? A tardy treat!
  4. Why did the caramel apple join a gym? To get a core-amel workout!
  5. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always bragging? A toffee boffin! 🍎
  6. Why did the caramel apple go to the doctor? Because it had a caramel condition. 🍎
  7. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always in a bad mood? A sour apple! 🍎
  8. Why did the caramel apple get fired from its job? Because it was always taking applesauce breaks!
  9. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always getting lost? A directionless dessert!
  10. Why did the caramel apple get a new haircut? Because it wanted to be a little more hair-raising! 🍎
  11. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always partying? A sticky sweet!
  12. Why did the caramel apple get a library card? Because it wanted to be well-read!
  13. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always laughing? A corny treat! 🍎
  14. Why did the caramel apple get a new pair of shoes? Because it wanted to step up its style! 🍎
  15. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always on your mind? A sweet obsession!
  16. Why did the caramel apple go to the concert? Because it wanted to hear some sweet music! 🍎
  17. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always getting into fights? A sweet brawler! 🍎
  18. Why did the caramel apple get a new phone? Because it wanted to stay connected to all its sticky friends! 🍎
  19. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always making jokes? A punny treat! 🍎
  20. Why did the caramel apple go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little sticky! 🍎

Caramelized Conundrums: Puns That Will Make You Apple-aud

  1. What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato. 🍎
  2. Why did the snowman get a job at the grocery store? To chill with the vegetables. 🍌
  3. What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind? A maybe. 🍖
  4. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything. 🌮
  5. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh. 🥪
  6. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field. 🍎
  7. What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick. 🍌
  8. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole-in-one. 🍖
  9. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta. 🥪
  10. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired. 🌮
  11. How do trees get on the internet? They log in. 🍎
  12. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. 🍌
  13. Why did the tomato turn red? It saw the salad dressing. ✨🍖✨
  14. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh! 🌮
  15. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole-in-one. 🍎
  16. Why did the scarecrow get a promotion? Because he was outstanding in his field. 🍌
  17. What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind? A maybe. ✨🍖✨
  18. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired. 🌮
  19. How do trees get on the internet? They log in. 🍎
  20. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. 🍌
See also  143+ Apple Cider Puns that Pack a Punch of Cider Snippets!

Sticky Side-Splitters: Caramel Apple Jokes to Share

  1. What do you get when you cross a caramel apple with a bowling ball? A strike and a sweet treat!
  2. Why did the caramel apple get a speeding ticket? It was going over the caramel limit!
  3. What did the caramel apple say to the apple pie? Hey, let’s fill each other’s cores!
  4. Why did the caramel apple join the choir? To sing caramel-ized harmonies!
  5. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always late? A tardy-caramel!
  6. Why doesn’t the caramel apple ever get sick? Because it has a healthy coat of candy!
  7. What did the caramel apple say after a long day? I’m whipped!
  8. What do you get when you put a caramel apple in a blender? A sticky situation!
  9. Why did the caramel apple cross the road? To get to the other side of the caramel cone! 😂
  10. What’s a caramel apple’s favorite dance move? The candy-apple two-step!
  11. Why don’t caramel apples play poker? Because they always have a sweet tooth!
  12. What do you call a caramel apple that’s been in the fridge too long? A candy-coated icicle!
  13. Why is the caramel apple always so happy? Because it has a stick-in-the-mud attitude!
  14. What does a caramel apple use to seal an envelope? Lickorice glue!
  15. Why did the caramel apple get lost in the forest? Because it took a wrong turn at the candy-apple tree!
  16. What did the caramel apple say to the bee? Honey, I’m stuck! 🍯
  17. Why did the caramel apple get a tattoo? To show off its sweet ink!
  18. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always in trouble? A stick-y situation!
  19. Why did the caramel apple get a haircut? To get a fresh start!
  20. What does a caramel apple do when it’s bored? It plays with its sticky fingers!

Harvest Humor: Caramel Apple Puns for the Season

  1. What do you call an apple that’s been dipped in caramel and rolled in nuts? A caramel app-nut-ite!
  2. Why couldn’t the caramel apple cross the road? 🍏🤣 Because it was stuck in a sticky situation!
  3. What do you get when you put a caramel apple in the freezer? A caramel popsicle!
  4. Why did the caramel apple go to the doctor? 🍏🚑 Because it was feeling a little core-y!
  5. What do you call a caramel apple that’s been left out in the sun? A caramel apple tart!
  6. Why did the caramel apple get lost in the woods? 🍏🌳 Because it couldn’t find its way back to its core!
  7. What do you call a caramel apple that’s been eaten by a dog? 🍏🐶 A caramel woof-le!
  8. Why did the caramel apple get a speeding ticket? 🍏👮‍♀️ Because it was caught going over the peel-imit!
  9. What do you get when you cross a caramel apple with a banana? A caramel banana split!
  10. Why did the caramel apple join a chorus? 🍏🎵 Because it wanted to sing the praises of its sweet self!
  11. What do you call a caramel apple that’s been dipped in chocolate? 🍏🍫 A caramel choco-nut!
  12. Why did the caramel apple get a job as a lifeguard? 🍏🏊 Because it was always ready to dive into a sticky situation!
  13. What do you get when you cross a caramel apple with a pumpkin? 🍏🎃 A caramel apple pie!
  14. Why did the caramel apple get invited to a Halloween party? 🍏👻 Because it was the perfect treat for the occasion!
  15. What do you call a caramel apple that’s been dipped in marshmallows? 🍏🍬 A caramel apple s’more!
  16. Why did the caramel apple go to the dentist? 🍏🦷 Because it needed a filling!
  17. What do you get when you cross a caramel apple with a potato? 🍏🥔 A caramel apple fry!
  18. Why did the caramel apple get a promotion at work? 🍏💼 Because it was a sticky note-worthy employee!
  19. What do you call a caramel apple that’s been dipped in sprinkles? 🍏🎉 A caramel apple confetti!
  20. Why did the caramel apple win the beauty pageant? 🍏👑 Because it was the sweetest of them all!

Sugarcoated Sarcasm: Caramel Apple Puns to Make You Roll Your Eyes

  1. Why did the apple wear a caramel sweater? To keep its core warm.
  2. What do you call an apple that’s been coated in caramel and left to harden? A caramel applewart.
  3. Why were the caramel apples embarrassed? Because they were caught apple-ing around. 🍬
  4. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always late? A carama-late apple.
  5. Why did the caramel apple get a sunburn? Because it didn’t wear sunscreen.
  6. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always on the go? A car-apple-mel.
  7. Why did the caramel apple join the choir? Because it wanted to sing carama-apple-lujah.
  8. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always in a good mood? A carama-happy-apple.
  9. Why did the caramel apple cross the road? To get to the other applecrossing.
  10. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always laughing? A carama-apple-giggle.
  11. Why did the caramel apple get lost? Because it didn’t have an applecation.
  12. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always making silly faces? A carama-apple-fool.
  13. Why did the caramel apple get a speeding ticket? Because it was going too fast for applecart.
  14. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always getting into trouble? A carama-apple-rogue.
  15. Why did the caramel apple get a makeover? Because it wanted to look applecation-ready.
  16. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always getting into sticky situations? A carama-apple-stickler.
  17. Why did the caramel apple get a divorce? Because it was always getting into applecations.
  18. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always on the lookout for trouble? A carama-apple-vigilante.
  19. Why did the caramel apple get a promotion? Because it was always applecating itself.
  20. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always the life of the party? A carama-apple-celebration.
See also  155+ Apple Puns That Are a Hoot and a Holler!

Core-y Jokes: Caramel Apple Puns That Are Hard to Swallow

  1. What do you call an apple that’s lost its core? A hollow apple-ogy.
  2. Why did the caramel apple get lost? Because it took a wrong turn at the candy corn-er.
  3. What do you say to an apple that’s always telling jokes? You’re a real core-dy!
  4. Why did the apple get a cavity? Because it didn’t floss its seeds!
  5. What do you call an apple that’s always in a bad mood? A cran-apple. 🍎
  6. Why did the caramel apple get a sunburn? Because it spent too much time in the core-ner!
  7. What do you call an apple that’s always getting into trouble? A bad apple-itude.
  8. Why did the caramel apple fall off the tree? Because it couldn’t hang on to the branch! 🍏
  9. What do you call an apple that’s always telling the truth? An honest apple.
  10. Why did the apple get a new phone? Because it wanted to make Face-Apple calls!
  11. What do you call an apple that’s always bragging? A show-apple.
  12. Why did the caramel apple get a speeding ticket? Because it was going troppo fast!
  13. What do you call an apple that’s always in a hurry? A rush apple.
  14. Why did the apple get a job as a teacher? Because it was good at coring lessons!
  15. What do you call an apple that’s always making jokes? A pun-apple. 🍏
  16. Why did the apple get a new hat? Because it wanted to cover its core!
  17. What do you call an apple that’s always getting into fights? A boxing apple.
  18. Why did the apple get a library card? Because it wanted to check out some new books!
  19. What do you call an apple that’s always getting lost? A directionally challenged apple.
  20. Why did the apple get a new car? Because it wanted to go for a core-ide!

Caramel Core-undrum: Why Did the Apple Get Stuck in the Tree?

  1. What do you call an apple that’s lost its core? An “apple-ectomy”.
  2. Why did the apple get a job at the bakery? Because it was always in the “dough”. 😄
  3. What do you call an apple that’s stuck in a tree? A “tree-apple”.
  4. What do you call an apple that’s always getting into trouble? A “bad apple”.
  5. Why did the apple get a speeding ticket? Because it was “apple”-ing too fast.
  6. What do you call an apple that’s really good at math? An “apple-ysis”.
  7. What do you call an apple that’s always late? A “tardy apple”.
  8. What do you call an apple that’s always telling jokes? A “corny apple”.
  9. What do you call an apple that’s always bragging? A “big apple”.
  10. What do you call an apple that’s always sleeping? A “sleepy apple”. 😴
  11. What do you call an apple that’s always complaining? A “whiny apple”.
  12. What do you call an apple that’s always getting lost? A “lost apple”.
  13. What do you call an apple that’s always getting into accidents? A “crash apple”.
  14. What do you call an apple that’s always making mistakes? A “silly apple”.
  15. What do you call an apple that’s always getting into fights? A “brawling apple”. 👊
  16. What do you call an apple that’s always eating candy? A “sweet-toothed apple”.
  17. What do you call an apple that’s always wearing a hat? A “hat-wearing apple”. 🎩
  18. What do you call an apple that’s always singing? A “melodic apple”.
  19. What do you call an apple that’s always dancing? A “rhythmic apple”.
  20. What do you call an apple that’s always making funny faces? A “goofy apple”. 🤪

Caramel Apple-y Goodness: A Sweet Treat for Your Funny Bone

  • Why did the apple get a caramel makeover? To become an apple-ingly delicious treat! 🍎
  • What do you call a caramel apple that’s always on the go? A caramel apple express! 🍏🏃
  • Why are caramel apples the perfect fall fruit? Because they’re so “apple-ing” to look at! 🍁🍎
  • What did the caramel apple say to the pumpkin spice latte? “Let’s get our caramel on!” ☕️🍎
  • Why did the caramel apple get lost? Because it didn’t know its “apple-cation”! 🗺️🍏
  • What do you call an apple that’s been dipped in caramel and rolled in nuts? A caramel apple with a nutty attitude! 🥜🍎
  • Why are caramel apples so popular? Because they’re the “sweetest” thing around! 🍯🍎
  • What do you get when you cross a caramel apple with a cheeseboard? A fondue-mental treat! 🧀🍎
  • Why did the caramel apple get a speeding ticket? Because it was caught going “apple-over”! 🍏🚨
  • What do you call a caramel apple that’s always getting into trouble? A caramel apple delinquent! 🍎⚖️
  • Why did the caramel apple join the circus? To become the “caramel-corn-ball” clown! 🎪🍎
  • What do you call a caramel apple that’s always making jokes? A caramel apple-ing comedian! 🎤🍎
  • Why did the caramel apple go to the doctor? Because it had a “sugar rush”! 🍏🌡️
  • What do you call a caramel apple that’s always losing its stick? A caramel apple without a “stick-uation”! 🍏🤕
  • Why did the caramel apple get a divorce? Because it was always getting “sauced”! 🍎🥂
  • What do you call a caramel apple that’s always breaking things? A caramel apple with a knack for “apple-geeze”! 🍎🛠️
  • Why did the caramel apple become a superhero? To fight for “apple-ice”! 🍎🦸
  • What do you call a caramel apple that’s always working out? A caramel apple with a “core” routine! 💪🍎
  • Why did the caramel apple go to the library? To check out some “apple”-ing books! 📚🍎

Caramel Apple Pie-ce de Resistance: Jokes That Take the Cake

  1. Why did the caramel apple pie blush? Because it saw the whipped cream on you! 🍎🥧
  2. What do you call a pie that’s always playing tricks? A pie-rate! 🏴‍☠️🥧
  3. Why did the baker throw the pie in the trash? Because it had a crusty attitude! 🗑️🥧
  4. What do you call a piece of dessert that’s always in a hurry? A fast-pie-ce! 🚀🥧
  5. Why did the apple pie want to be a comedian? Because it thought it could make people laugh with its puns! 😂🍎🥧
  6. What do you call a pie that’s always getting into trouble? A pun-pie! 🥧🤷‍♂️
  7. Why did the pie shop close down? Because it ran out of dough! 💰🥧
  8. What do you call a pie that’s always showing off? A boastful berry pie! 🥧🍓
  9. Why did the ice cream cone get jealous of the pies? Because they were all the apple of everyone’s eye! 🍦🍎🥧
  10. What do you call a pie that’s always trying to start a fight? A feisty pie! 🥧🥊
  11. Why did the pie get a trophy? Because it was the pie-ce de resistance! 🏆🥧
  12. What do you call a pie that’s always getting lost? A pie-lured! 🥧🗺️
  13. Why did the pie get a job at the bank? Because it was always kneading dough! 💰🥧
  14. What do you call a pie that’s always getting into trouble? A pie-nic basket! 🧺🥧
  15. Why did the pie cross the road? To get to the other pie-de! 🥧🚗
  16. What do you call a pie that’s always telling jokes? A pie-oneer! 🥧🎤
  17. Why did the pie get a haircut? Because it was feeling crust-y! 💇‍♂️🥧
  18. What do you call a pie that’s always making excuses? A pie-talist! 🥧🤷‍♂️
  19. Why did the pie get a job as a teacher? Because it was always giving out dough! ✏️🥧
  20. What do you call a pie that’s always getting sick? A pie-rate! 🤢🥧
See also  137+ Crisp, Juicy Apple Picking Puns That Will Make You ‘Core’ Laughing!

Cinnamon-ful Puns: Caramel Apple Jokes to Spice Up Your Day

  1. Why did the apple get a cinnamon beard? Because it wanted to spice things up!
  2. What do you call a cinnamon bun that’s always getting into trouble? A rebel with a bun in the oven.
  3. Why did the cinnamon stick go to the doctor? Because it was feeling hoarse!
  4. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always running late? A sticky situation.
  5. Why did the caramel apple get lost in the woods? Because it couldn’t find its sweet spot.
  6. What do you call a pear that’s best friends with a cinnamon stick? Pear-fection.
  7. Why did the caramel apple join a yoga class? To get its stretch on! 🍏🧘
  8. What do you get when you cross a cinnamon stick with a broom? A sweet and🧹spicy clean-up crew.
  9. Why did the apple pie get a new roof? Because it was feeling crusty.
  10. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always getting into trouble? A bad apple with a sweet tooth.
  11. What do you get when you cross a cinnamon stick with a banana? A fragrant and potassium-packed treat.
  12. Why did the apple turn red when it saw the cinnamon stick? Because it was blushing!🍎
  13. What do you call a caramel apple that’s been in the sun too long? A sticky mess.
  14. Why did the caramel apple go to the beach? To work on its tan-geline.
  15. What do you call a cinnamon stick that’s been in the gym? A beefcake spice.
  16. Why did the caramel apple get a tattoo? Because it wanted to be a little bit tart.
  17. What do you call a cinnamon stick that’s always losing its way? A lost spice.
  18. Why did the caramel apple get a job at the bakery? Because it was a natural at dough-nut making.

Fall-ing for Caramel Apples: Jokes That Will Make You Red-Faced

  1. Why aren’t caramel apples good dancers? Because they keep falling! 🎃
  2. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always in trouble? A sticky wicket! 🍎
  3. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always making faces? A caramel grimace! 😝
  4. Why did the caramel apple get lost in the forest? Because it couldn’t see the trees! 🍂
  5. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always getting into fights? A scrappy-do! 🍭
  6. Why did the caramel apple cross the road? To get to the other “core!” 🌰
  7. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always late? A tardy-apple! ⏰
  8. Why did the caramel apple get a speeding ticket? Because it was caught going over the peel limit! 🍏
  9. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always complaining? A whiny-apple! 😭
  10. Why couldn’t the caramel apple go to the party? Because it was too sticky! 🍬
  11. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always blushing? A rosy-apple! 🍎
  12. Why did the caramel apple get a job at the apple store? Because it was an expert in candy! 📱
  13. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always getting into mischief? A sticky situation! ⚠️
  14. Why couldn’t the caramel apple make up its mind? Because it was two-faced! 🎭
  15. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always laughing? A giggly-apple! 🤪
  16. Why did the caramel apple get a new hairstyle? Because it wanted a fresh start! 💇‍♀️
  17. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always making excuses? A spineless-apple! 💬
  18. Why did the caramel apple get a sunburn? Because it was out in the sun too long! ☀️
  19. What do you call a caramel apple that’s always tripping over its own feet? A clumsy-apple! 🦶
  20. Why did the caramel apple get a tattoo? Because it wanted to be unique! 🎨

Caramel-ized Laughter: Sweet and Sour Puns for Your Amusement

  1. What do you call a caramel-covered carrot? A carrot-mel.
  2. Why did the caramel get into trouble? Because it was sticky fingers.
  3. What do you call a caramel that’s always late? A caramel procrastinator.
  4. Why did the caramel go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little sour. 😋
  5. What do you call a caramel that’s always in a bad mood? A caramel grump.
  6. Why did the caramel cross the road? To get to the other side, of course!
  7. What do you call a caramel that’s always making jokes? A caramel-dian.
  8. Why did the caramel run away from home? Because it was tired of being sticky. 😅
  9. What do you call a caramel that’s always trying to start a fight? A caramel bully.
  10. Why did the caramel get arrested? Because it stole a chocolate bar.
  11. What do you call a caramel that’s always laughing? A caramel giggle.
  12. Why did the caramel get a haircut? Because it wanted to look sharp.
  13. What do you call a caramel that’s always singing? A caramel crooner.
  14. Why did the caramel go to the library? To check out some sweet reads.
  15. What do you call a caramel that’s always sleeping? A caramel snooze. 😴
  16. Why did the caramel get a job at the amusement park? Because it was a real crowd-pleaser.
  17. What do you call a caramel that’s always making a mess? A caramel klutz.
  18. Why did the caramel go to the doctor? Because it had a sore tooth.
  19. What do you call a caramel that’s always losing its keys? A caramel airhead.
  20. Why did the caramel get into a fight with the chocolate bar? Because they couldn’t stand each other.

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