119+ Ben Puns That’ll Make You Bend With Laughter!

Prepare yourselves, dear readers, for a whimsical journey into the realm of puns! Today, we embark on a literary odyssey, exploring the ageless humor of the enigmatic character, Benjamin Button, from the beloved film, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” Join us as we delve into a timeless collection of puns that will make you laugh out loud and forget the worries of the day. From clever wordplay to age-defying quips, our witty exploration of Benjamin Button’s puns promises to be a delight for all ages. Whether you’re a lifelong fan of the curious case or a newcomer to the world of Benjamin Button, these puns are sure to tickle your funny bone and leave you marveling at their timeless appeal. As we traverse through the annals of Benjamin Button’s life, we’ll uncover puns that defy the hands of time, explore the depths of his paradoxical humor, and discover the fountain of youth for side-splitting jokes. So, buckle up, dear pun enthusiasts, and prepare to embark on a linguistic adventure that will leave you in stitches!

Benjamin Button’s Puns: An Age-Defying Collection

  1. Why did Benjamin Button cross the road? To get to his younger side!
  2. What do you call Benjamin Button’s wife? The spring chicken.
  3. Why did Benjamin Button have a hard time finding a babysitter? Because they kept aging out.
  4. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw a time traveler? “I’ve seen you before!”
  5. Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a meteorologist? Because he could predict the past.
  6. What do you get when you cross Benjamin Button with a vampire? An undead Benjamin Button.
  7. Why did Benjamin Button have trouble keeping a girlfriend? Because they kept getting older while he got younger.
  8. What do you call Benjamin Button’s favorite movie? The Fountain of Youth. ⛲
  9. Why did Benjamin Button retire young? Because he wanted to start fresh.
  10. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw his reflection in the mirror? “I’m growing younger!”
  11. Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a historian? Because he could remember the past like it was the future.
  12. What did Benjamin Button say when he was born? “It’s all downhill from here.”
  13. Why did Benjamin Button have trouble getting a driver’s license? Because he couldn’t keep his eyes on the road he was headed towards.
  14. What did Benjamin Button say when he won the lottery? “I’m going to spend it all on anti-aging cream!”
  15. Why did Benjamin Button open a day care center? Because he wanted to grow up with the kids.
  16. What did Benjamin Button say when he lost his teeth? “Don’t worry, they’ll grow back!”
  17. Why did Benjamin Button have trouble finding a wife? Because he kept outgrowing them.
  18. What do you call Benjamin Button’s favorite food? Baby food.
  19. Why did Benjamin Button go to college? Because he wanted to learn about the future.
  20. What did Benjamin Button say when he was offered a job as a stripper? “I’ve got the body for it, but I’m not sure about the dance moves.”

Pun-omenal Puns from the Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons

  1. What did Benjamin Button say when he was born? “I’m a little youth, but I’ll grow into it.”
  2. Why did Benjamin Button never get wrinkles? Because he was aging in reverse.
  3. What did Benjamin Button say when he was given a toy car? “I’m going to drive this until I’m in my diapers!”
  4. Why did Benjamin Button join the Boy Scouts? To get his age badge backward.
  5. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw his first gray hair? “That’s the first sign of my youth!”
  6. Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a bartender? To serve drinks from the cradle to the grave.
  7. What did Benjamin Button say when he walked into the bar? “I’m here to get my old age back!”
  8. Why did Benjamin Button get lost in the woods? Because he was going backward and didn’t know how to turn around.
  9. What did Benjamin Button say when he won the lottery? “I’m going to buy a rocking chair and go back to my childhood!”
  10. Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a construction worker? To build his future backward.
  11. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw a group of kids playing? “I wish I could go back to being a child again.” 👦
  12. Why did Benjamin Button get lost in the grocery store? Because he couldn’t find the baby food aisle.
  13. What did Benjamin Button say when he got his first driver’s license? “I’m going to drive this car until I’m a baby!”
  14. Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a teacher? To help kids learn how to read backward.
  15. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw his first love? “I hope she doesn’t get any older.”
  16. Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a babysitter? To take care of babies who were older than him.
  17. What did Benjamin Button say when he got his first paycheck? “I’m going to save this for my youth!”
  18. Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a crossing guard? To help kids cross the street from the future to the past.
  19. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw his first sunrise? “I’m going to watch this until it’s sunset!”
  20. Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a photographer? To capture the memories of his life backward. 📸

Puns for the Ages: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

  1. Why did Benjamin Button age in reverse? Because he was born with a button that said “rewind”.
  2. What did Benjamin Button say to the time traveler? “See you later, alligator!”
  3. How did Benjamin Button propose to his girlfriend? He got down on one knee and said, “Will you marry me…eventually?”
  4. Why did Benjamin Button hate elevators? Because they always went up.
  5. What did Benjamin Button say when he got lost? “Don’t worry, I’m on the way back to my childhood!”
  6. Why did Benjamin Button love puzzles? Because he could start them young and finish them old.
  7. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw a photo of himself as a baby? “I was so cute, even my wrinkles were adorable!”
  8. Why did Benjamin Button never get married? Because he couldn’t commit to the idea of growing old together.
  9. What was Benjamin Button’s favorite drink? Old-fashioned!
  10. Why did Benjamin Button love reading history books? Because he could start from the end and work his way to the beginning.
  11. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw his friend getting younger? “Hey, don’t grow up too fast, you’ll miss all the fun!”
  12. Why did Benjamin Button avoid haunted houses? Because the ghosts were too young for him.
  13. What did Benjamin Button say when he went to the doctor for a checkup? “I’m feeling a little younger today!”
  14. Why did Benjamin Button love gardening? Because he could watch his plants grow old while he stayed young. 🌱
  15. What was Benjamin Button’s favorite dessert? Grandfather clock cake. ⏰
  16. Why did Benjamin Button never play tennis? Because he kept hitting the ball back into the past.
  17. What did Benjamin Button say when he won an award for his age? “I’m so old, I’m almost antique!”
  18. Why did Benjamin Button love going to the library? Because he could read books about the future before it happened.
  19. What did Benjamin Button say when he met his great-great-grandson? “Nice to meet you, junior!”
  20. Why did Benjamin Button never get a driver’s license? Because he couldn’t remember where he lived. 🚗
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Benjamin Button’s Puns: A Time-Traveling Laugh-fest

  1. Why did Benjamin Button get lost in the woods? Because he kept going back in time!
  2. What do you call a baby who ages backward? A Benjamin Button-baby!
  3. Why couldn’t Benjamin Button keep a secret? Because he couldn’t hold it in!
  4. What did Benjamin Button say to the hourglass? You’re turning me upside down!
  5. Why did Benjamin Button avoid playing poker? Because he always had a baby face!
  6. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw his first wrinkles? Time to go back to the future!
  7. Why did Benjamin Button hate elevators? Because he always got stuck on the past floor!
  8. What did Benjamin Button say when he got a birthday cake? 🥳 It’s my un-birthday!
  9. Why couldn’t Benjamin Button find his way out of the maze? Because he kept going back to the start!
  10. What did Benjamin Button say after a long day? I’m getting younger by the minute!
  11. Why did Benjamin Button get a parking ticket? Because he parked in a time-restricted zone!
  12. What did Benjamin Button say to the doctor when he got a cold? Doctor, I’m feeling younger! 🤧
  13. Why did Benjamin Button lose his job? Because he kept going back in time to fix his mistakes!
  14. What did Benjamin Button say when he wanted a drink? 🍹 I’m getting younger, so I’ll have a baby bottle!
  15. Why couldn’t Benjamin Button ride a roller coaster? Because he was too old-fashioned!
  16. What did Benjamin Button say to the time traveler? Take me back to the future!
  17. Why did Benjamin Button always get lost in the library? Because he kept forgetting which way to go!
  18. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw a clock? It’s time to go back in time! 🕰️
  19. Why did Benjamin Button get a pet turtle? Because they live longer going backward! 🐢
  20. What did Benjamin Button say when he got his driver’s license? Can I drive in reverse?

Ageless Humor: Puns from the Curious Case of Benjamin Button

  1. How did Benjamin Button celebrate his 80th birthday? He threw a party at the beginning! 🥳
  2. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw a mirror? “I’m not getting any younger!”
  3. Why couldn’t Benjamin Button get a driver’s license? Because he was too young to drive! 👶
  4. What did Benjamin Button say when he lost his keys? “I must be getting older!” 🔑
  5. Why did Benjamin Button cross the road? To get to the other side quicker! 🏃‍♂️
  6. What do you call Benjamin Button when he’s on a diet? A younger-aging dieter! 🍽️
  7. Why did Benjamin Button have to take a nap? He needed a beauty rest! 😴
  8. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw a toddler? “I used to be that small!” 🤏
  9. Why did Benjamin Button refuse to take an elevator? Because he preferred to go down the stairs! stairs
  10. What did Benjamin Button’s mom say to him when he was born? “Don’t worry, you’ll grow into it!” 👶
  11. Why did Benjamin Button keep getting younger? Because he had a reverse mortgage! 🏡🔄
  12. What did Benjamin Button say when he got a new watch? “Time flies when you’re getting younger!” ⌚️
  13. Why couldn’t Benjamin Button play the piano? Because his fingers were too young! 🎹
  14. What did Benjamin Button say when he met a time traveler? “Don’t tell me the future, I’ve already lived it!” 🔮
  15. Why did Benjamin Button buy a rocking chair? To age gracefully! 💺
  16. What did Benjamin Button say when he got a new pair of glasses? “The world looks younger when I wear these!” 👓
  17. Why did Benjamin Button get a facelift? To look younger! 💉💆
  18. What did Benjamin Button say when he went to the doctor? “I’m here for my annual checkup – make me younger!” 💉
  19. Why did Benjamin Button never celebrate his birthday? Because he was getting younger! 🎂
  20. What did Benjamin Button say when he died? “I lived a life in reverse!” 🪦

Benjamin Button’s Buttoned-Up Puns

  1. What do you call a button that’s always late? Benjamin Button’s button.
  2. Why did Benjamin Button’s button get lost? Because it was too young to find its way back.
  3. What do you call a button that’s always getting into trouble? A bad button! 🚫
  4. What do you call a button that’s always running late? A procrastinating button.
  5. What do you call a button that’s always complaining? A whiny button.
  6. What do you call a button that’s always getting lost? A forgetful button.
  7. What do you call a button that’s always making mistakes? A clumsy button.
  8. What do you call a button that’s always trying to be funny? A punny button.
  9. What do you call a button that’s always getting into arguments? A contentious button.
  10. What do you call a button that’s always forgetting things? A senile button.
  11. What do you call a button that’s always getting sick? A sickly button.
  12. What do you call a button that’s always getting hurt? A vulnerable button.
  13. What do you call a button that’s always getting into trouble? A mischievous button.
  14. What do you call a button that’s always getting lost? A wandering button.
  15. What do you call a button that’s always getting into accidents? A careless button. 🤕
  16. What do you call a button that’s always making people laugh? A hilarious button.
  17. What do you call a button that’s always getting angry? An irate button.
  18. What do you call a button that’s always getting scared? A timid button.
  19. What do you call a button that’s always getting into debt? An indebted button. 💸
  20. What do you call a button that’s always getting into trouble? A rebellious button.

Clock-Stopping Puns from the Curious Case of Benjamin Button

  1. You could say that Benjamin Button was a timeless punster.
  2. He had a knack for “clocking” people with his witty remarks.
  3. His jokes were so “old” that they were practically antique.
  4. He was a master of “stopwatch” puns, always hitting the mark.
  5. His puns were so “on the dot” that they made his listeners say, “That’s the time!” ⏳
  6. He had a “hand” in crafting some of the most “minute” jokes.
  7. His jokes were so “dial”ing that they made everyone laugh.
  8. He was known to “face” his audience with clever puns.
  9. His puns were always “timely” and never missed a “beat.” 🎸
  10. He had a “second” chance to make everyone laugh with his puns.
  11. His jokes were so “current” that they were always in demand.
  12. He knew how to “wind up” the crowd with his puns. ⏰
  13. His puns were so “striking” that they left a lasting impression.
  14. He always had a “moment” to share a pun or two.
  15. His puns were so “accurate” that they never “clocked out” of people’s minds.
  16. He was a “time-traveling” punster, delivering jokes from different eras. 🗺️
  17. His puns were so “quartz” that they had a lasting shine.
  18. He had a “pendulum” for making people laugh.
  19. His puns were so “analog” that they were enjoyed by all generations.
  20. He was a “watch”ful punster, always ready to deliver a clever joke at any time.
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Puns That Will Make You Forget the Time: Benjamin Button

  1. Why couldn’t the bicycle smile? Because it was twoTIRED!
  2. What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A stick.
  3. Why did the picture go to jail? Because it was FRAMED! 🥁
  4. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!
  5. What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A stick.
  6. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole-in-one!
  7. Why was the equal sign so humble? Because it knew it wasn’t less than or greater than anyone else.
  8. How do trees get on the internet? They log in!
  9. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? An abdominal snowman.
  10. What is the best thing about Switzerland? I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.
  11. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? A palm.
  12. Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? Don’t worry, he woke up.
  13. Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well.
  14. What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea.
  15. What do you call a boomerang that you can’t throw away? A stick.
  16. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!
  17. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  18. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? An abdominal snowman.
  19. What is the best thing about Switzerland? I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.
  20. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? A palm.

The Fountain of Youth for Puns: Benjamin Button’s Jokes

  1. What do you call Benjamin Button with a bad dye job? “Puns on the Run.”
  2. What did Benjamin Button say when he went to the optometrist? “I’m seeing double…but only because I’m looking in a mirror.” 👀
  3. Why was Benjamin Button so good at hide-and-seek? Because he could blend in with the furniture as an old man.
  4. What did Benjamin Button’s barber say? “Your hair is so old, I’m afraid to cut it.”
  5. Why did Benjamin Button get kicked out of the restaurant? Because he was too old for the kid’s menu.
  6. What do you call Benjamin Button’s favorite movie? “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.”
  7. What did Benjamin Button say when he got a parking ticket? “I’m too old for this!” 👴🏼
  8. Why did Benjamin Button get lost in the mall? Because he kept going back to the past.
  9. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw his first gray hair? “Well, at least it’s not a receding hairline.”
  10. What do you call Benjamin Button’s book club? “The Backward Bookworms.”
  11. What did Benjamin Button say when he won the lottery? “Wow, my luck is changing…for the younger.”
  12. Why did Benjamin Button join the circus? Because he was a “human rewind.”
  13. What did Benjamin Button say when he got a new job as a music teacher? “I’m going to start with the classics, and then work my way forward.”
  14. What do you call Benjamin Button’s favorite song? “Clocks” by Coldplay because “the hands of time are going backwards.” ⏰
  15. Why did Benjamin Button get arrested? Because he was a minor…in the future.
  16. What did Benjamin Button say when he got a new pet? “I’m going to name him Benjamin Rebutton.”
  17. Why did Benjamin Button always have his coffee cold? Because he liked it that way…in the future. ☕️
  18. What do you call Benjamin Button’s favorite game? “Old Maid…and Young.”
  19. Why did Benjamin Button get lost in the woods? Because he kept turning left…in the past.
  20. What did Benjamin Button say when he met his great-grandmother? “I’m older than you…and younger.”

Pun-ctual Puns from the Timeless Tale of Benjamin Button

  1. What do you call Benjamin Button when he’s always on time? Pun-ctual!
  2. Why did Benjamin Button get stuck in the clock tower? Because he couldn’t turn back time!
  3. What’s Benjamin Button’s favorite type of music? Baby Blues!
  4. Why didn’t Benjamin Button want to go to the doctor? Because he was afraid of getting his shots in the wrong order!
  5. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw a baby? “Hey, I used to look like that!” 👶
  6. Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a photographer? To capture moments before they were born!
  7. What’s Benjamin Button’s favorite game? Reverse Monopoly!
  8. Why is Benjamin Button so good at Scrabble? Because he can spell words backward!
  9. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw a mirror? “Hi, future me!” 🪞
  10. Why did Benjamin Button get kicked out of the library? Because he kept reading the books backward!
  11. What’s Benjamin Button’s favorite type of workout? Reverse yoga!
  12. Why did Benjamin Button buy a rocking chair? To rock away the years!
  13. What did Benjamin Button say when he met a dinosaur? “Wow, you aged well!”
  14. Why did Benjamin Button win the lottery? Because he bought tickets in reverse order!
  15. What’s Benjamin Button’s favorite food? Retrograde ravioli!
  16. Why is Benjamin Button so good at darts? Because he can throw them backward!
  17. What did Benjamin Button say when he met his younger self? “You’ll understand when I’m older!”
  18. Why did Benjamin Button get lost in the woods? Because he took the wrong turn in the timeline! 🌲
  19. What’s Benjamin Button’s favorite type of movie? A prequel!
  20. Why did Benjamin Button get a time machine? To go back to the future… backward! ⌛

Benjamin Button’s Paradoxical Puns: Aging Gracefully

  1. What do you call a baby kangaroo that can’t jump? A pouch potato!
  2. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! 🧓🏻‍♂️
  3. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!
  4. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole-in-one!
  5. What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea!
  6. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired! 🚲
  7. What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick. 🪃
  8. What do you call a person who’s always taking things literally? A diction-ary!
  9. Why did the tomato turn red? It saw the salad dressing! 🥗
  10. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!
  11. Why did the bee get lost? Because it couldn’t find its hive! 🐝
  12. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh! (But this time, it’s blind!) 😂
  13. Why did the computer go to the chiropractor? It had a byte in its neck!
  14. What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A stick. (But this time, it’s broken!) 🪃
  15. What do you call a person who’s always taking things literally? A diction-ary! (But this time, it’s a really old one!)
  16. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! (But this time, it’s a cornfield!) 👨🏻‍🌾
  17. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh! (But this time, it’s a sushi-grade tuna!) 🍣
  18. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired! (But this time, it’s a tandem bike!) 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️
  19. What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick. (But this time, it’s a magic stick!) ✨💫
  20. What do you call a person who’s always taking things literally? A diction-ary! (But this time, it’s a digital dictionary!) 📱📚
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Puns that Defy the Hands of Time: Benjamin Button’s Humor

  1. What do you call a watch that’s Benjamin Button-ing? A time traveler’s time turner.
  2. Why was Benjamin Button so good at playing cards? Because he had the oldest hand.
  3. What kind of retirement home did Benjamin Button live in? A reverse-aging center.
  4. Why did Benjamin Button get lost in the forest? Because he kept going the wrong way.
  5. What do you call a Benjamin Button with a lazy eye? A backward glance.
  6. 👶 Why did baby Benjamin Button hide from the sunlight? Because he was afraid of getting wrinkly!
  7. 🧐 Why is Benjamin Button a great philosopher? Because he has a unique perspective on life.
  8. 🧅 Grandpa Benjamin Button loves growing onions. He’s a pro at making old things cry.
  9. ⏰ Why does Benjamin Button wear a watch? To remind himself that time is on his side… in reverse.
  10. 🎸 Benjamin Button’s favorite music genre? Reverse rock.
  11. ⌛ Time flies for everyone, but for Benjamin Button, it walks backward… with a cane.
  12. 🎓 Benjamin Button graduated kindergarten before he was born. He’s a prodigy in reverse.
  13. ⌛ Why did Benjamin Button get a job as a clockmaker? Because he wanted to turn time backward.
  14. 👱‍♂️ Benjamin Button’s secret to eternal youth? Dying… in reverse.
  15. 🍷 Why is Benjamin Button a great wine connoisseur? Because he knows which wines are worth aging backward.
  16. 💍 Benjamin Button’s wedding anniversary is on his birthday. That’s what you call getting younger together.
  17. 👶 Benjamin Button’s favorite childhood game? Cradle robbing.
  18. 🤰 Benjamin Button’s mom is expecting a baby. But don’t worry, she’s getting younger every day.
  19. 🎓 Benjamin Button’s college thesis was on “The Paradox of Growing Younger.” He got an A+.
  20. 🧙‍♂️ Benjamin Button’s favorite magic trick? Making himself disappear… and then reappear as a baby.

Pun-believable Puns from the Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons

  1. Benjamin Buttons was a real button- pusher!
  2. His age was a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a baby rattle.
  3. He was an old soul in a young body, like a reverse Benjamin Franklin. 🤨
  4. His birth certificate raised an eyebrow: “Born in the past, expired in the future.”
  5. His childhood was a series of “baby steps” in reverse.
  6. As a teen, he had his first “middle-age crisis.” 😂
  7. He went from being a “senior citizen” to a “newborn” overnight.
  8. His life was like a clock: it ticked backwards.
  9. He had to navigate the “awkward teenage” years in reverse, starting with a cane and ending with braces.
  10. His wrinkles smoothed out, and his hair started growing in reverse: from beard to mustache to goatee.
  11. He went from needing a walker to tripping over his own feet as a baby.
  12. His memories were like a movie played in reverse: starting with his “last” memory as a child and ending with his “first” memory as an old man.
  13. He could tell you the stock market crash of 1929 in vivid detail, but couldn’t remember where he left his keys.
  14. He was a “Benjamin Button” machine: getting younger with every push.
  15. His love life was a bit confusing: he dated his girlfriend as both a child and an old man.
  16. His retirement plan was like no other: he started with a gold watch and ended with a bib.
  17. He was the only person who could say, “I’m not getting any older!” and actually mean it. 😎
  18. His wrinkles told a story: the tale of a life lived in reverse.
  19. He was a living, breathing paradox: a baby with wisdom and an old man with youthful vigor.
  20. His life was an endless loop: starting as an old man and ending as a baby, only to start all over again.

Benjamin Button’s Temporal Puns: Laughter Across the Ages

  1. What do you call Benjamin Button’s favorite watch? A timepiece that goes backwards!
  2. Why couldn’t Benjamin Button tell the future? Because he didn’t age forward!
  3. What did Benjamin Button say when he saw a baby? “Aw, I remember when I used to be that young.” 👶
  4. Why did Benjamin Button get a rocking chair? To go back and forth in time! 💺
  5. What’s Benjamin Button’s favorite type of music? Old-timey! 🎶
  6. Why did Benjamin Button get a reverse mortgage? To get younger and wealthier! 🏠💸
  7. What do you call Benjamin Button’s autobiography? “The Life and Times of a Spring Chicken.” 🐔
  8. Why didn’t Benjamin Button get a driver’s license? Because he couldn’t pass the road test from memory! 🚘📝
  9. What did Benjamin Button say when he got a new job? “I’m excited to time warp into this new adventure!” 🌟🚀
  10. Why did Benjamin Button get a grandfather clock? To remind him of the good old days when he was a little kid! 🕰️👦
  11. What did the photographer say to Benjamin Button? “Smile! You’re getting younger!” 📸👶
  12. Why didn’t Benjamin Button bother with sunscreen? He was aging in reverse! 🌞🤷
  13. What did Benjamin Button call his exercise routine? “The Fountain of Youth Workout.” ⛲💪
  14. Why didn’t Benjamin Button celebrate his birthday? Because he was always getting younger! 🎉🎂
  15. What do you call Benjamin Button’s favorite animal? A baby boomer! 👶🇦🇺
  16. Why did Benjamin Button get a pet turtle? Because he wanted a companion who aged at his pace! 🐢👴
  17. What did Benjamin Button say when he met his future wife? “It’s nice to meet you. I’m looking forward to growing younger together.” ❤️💍
  18. Why did Benjamin Button get a reverse mullet? Because he wanted to party in the front and age in the back! 🤘👴
  19. What do you call Benjamin Button’s favorite dance move? The “Timewarp”! 🕺🎶
  20. Why did Benjamin Button get a tattoo of a hourglass? To remind himself that time was on his side! ⌛⏳

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